Twin City Radio Controllers  
            AMA Charter #383
                 1957 - 2023

Annual Auction Info

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Directions for Sellers


Welcome to the TCRC Auction!


In order to get your items checked in, as quickly as possible you’ll need to know what you can do before the auction and when you get there.



·                    Download a “Seller’s Inventory Card” from the web-site and print out as many copies as you need.

·                    You can pre-register for a SELLER’s NUMBER by e-mail.  Click here for details.

·                    Fill out you “Seller’s Inventory Card” one line for every item to be sold.  (Remember every item must get at least a $20 minimum bid to be sold. Bundle less valuable items together in order to get a minimum bid).

·                    Fill in your Complete Name, Address, & Phone CLEARLY on form. You can’t expect to get paid if we can’t read who you are!

·                    Fill out and BRING ONE (1) Business size SELF-ADDRESSED Envelope for SELLER payment. This is how we send your check to you

·                    Attach a Label to EACH item to be sold. Identify your SELLER Number and ITEM Letter  (such as # 501B)

·                    Place a DESCRIPTION on each item you are selling. (The auctioneer can’t sell it up if you can’t tell him what it is and what condition it is in!)


AT THE AUCTION (Before the Bidding):


·                    Do NOT carry in your items until after you REGISTER!

·                    You NEED a BUYER’s CARD in order to BID on your own ITEM. ALL Items are sold to highest bidder. If SELLER doesn’t like the price SELLER must be the high bidder. SELLER MUST register as a Bidder.

·                    Once you’ve registered, Give your SELLER’s INVENTORY CARD  to the IMPOUND Volunteer.

·                    Get an Impound stamp on your SELLER’s INVENTORY CARD for EACH item impounded.

·                    Please bring a stamped self-addressed envelope and turn it in with your Seller's Inventory Card.  This will be used to mail your sale proceeds to you within a week after the auction. 


AT THE AUCTION (During the Bidding):

·                    ALL Items are sold to highest bidder. If SELLER doesn’t like the price SELLER must be the high bidder. SELLER MUST register as a Bidder.



If item does not get $20 minimum, then it is NO BID and is returned to Impound. SELLER is responsible to claim your NO BID items from impound before auction end.


·                    IMPORTANT: Unclaimed items will be disposed of.




·                    SELLERS will get a copy of the closed out SELLERS INVENTORY CARD and a CHECK for the net amount (minus commission which is calculated on each item as $5 or 10% whichever is greater for each item) within a week after the auction.